Performance chiropractic, certification, Facebook page
Chiropractic for performance dogs
This past weekend I was pleased to offer chiropractic exams at an agility trial. It was interesting to see what types of adjustments these dogs needed and see the results of treatment as they performed later in the trial. I consistently found problems with the accessory carpal bone, a small bone on the back of the wrist under the pad. I suspect this has to do with landing forces after jumping forcing this bone into the dirt and the turning that is often done right after landing. Another area I found issues with was the inside toes of both front and hind legs, most likely from pushing off as they turn at speed. Weave pole problems seemed to be related to neck and shoulder subluxations. I hope to treat dogs in other performance venues in the future and can’t wait to see if there are issues I find consistently that are related to their sport.
Have you “liked” my Facebook page yet?
If you are on Facebook, I hope you’ve checked out and “liked” my page. The address can be found above. Posts vary from cartoons and articles of interest about holistic pet health to heart -warming stories to notices about pet food and treat recalls. It is important to my business that my fans interact regularly on Facebook, by liking and sharing the information found there. The only way I can know what kind of information my clients and fans find useful is to see how many interact and respond to my postings. If you appreciate my business and what I do for pets, please take a moment to follow through by commenting, liking, and sharing my posts and be sure to click on posted web links, especially the ones to my webpage in order to move it higher up on search engine results. I appreciate your support!
Food Recalls
Those who already follow me on Facebook will be aware of the numerous food and treat recall notices I try to keep abreast of for my clients. If you don’t have access to Facebook and are interested in checking on this sort of thing, one place you can look is a blog found at which has a pretty complete summary of recent ones, including Charlee Bear treats and a particular variety of Wellness dry dog food. Be sure to check it out! Most of them seem to be about Salmonella. Interestingly, most are dry products, not raw foods… something to keep in mind when people talk about how dangerous it is to feed raw meat to your pet. Of course, you should use sensible hygiene whenever handling raw meat.
Certification complete!
I have mentioned previously the importance of seeking qualified care from an animal chiropractor since regular chiropractors are not trained in animal anatomy sufficiently to enable them to adjust animals safely. I heard over the weekend about a dog that apparently suffered injury from an adjustment and it was unknown to the person telling the story whether the doctor was certified in animal chiropractic or not. I want to assure you that I have completed a 200 hour course in animal chiropractic and not one but TWO multi-hour practical and clinical tests to become certified by both the International and American Veterinary Chiropractic Associations, proof of proper training and with a requirement for continuing education as well.
Teaching for the future
Much to my delight, I have been making regular appearances at Anthem College to lecture to Veterinary Technology students about holistic medicine and nutrition, and doing acupuncture and chiropractic demonstrations on the dogs and cats kept there to assist in training of the students. I see this as an investment in future business as they can take the information about my services to the clinics they will work for, so I lecture free of charge