Hey, how are you all doing in this New Year? Yeah, we’re tired of the pandemic as well. However, we continue to do business and help your pets to a healthier life! We are continuing mostly curbside care and find...
Continue Reading →COVID update: We are still operating mostly curbside. If staff members test positive, we will not allow any clients inside for two weeks after their test (and of course they’ll be staying home). If the doctor tests positive…hmmm….we’ll figure it...
Continue Reading →COVID-19 policy for the last quarter of the year: At this time, while we still wish to minimize the number of people entering our building, we will begin allowing one client at a time inside as long as they wear...
Continue Reading →The Importance of a Balanced Diet As a holistic vet, it’s not unusual to see patients who are eating a home-prepared diet. This may be for medical reasons such as for food allergies, skin problems, or GI issues. Sometimes, it...
Continue Reading →The Importance of Dental Care Does your dog have “doggie breath”? Do you avoid snuggling your cat too close because of their mouth odor? This is NOT a normal thing. Dental disease in dogs and cats can be very serious....
Continue Reading →COVID updates: Our clinic will be continuing to practice social distancing and pandemic safety by doing most appointments curbside. You will remain in your car while we bring your pet inside for the appointment. For sick pets or more...
Continue Reading →What’s Bugging Your Pet? We thought you might be interested in some of the parasites your pets may be exposed to in our area. We are happy to help you decide the best prevention to use for your pet depending...
Continue Reading →Cancer in Pets 10 Warning Signs of Cancer in Pets Abnormal swellings that persist or continue to grow Sores that do not heal Weight loss Loss of Appetite Bleeding or discharge from any body opening Offensive odor Difficulty eating...
Continue Reading →Corona virus The threat from COVID-19, or Corona Viral Disease (20)19 has swept the nation. No doubt you’ve seen sweeping changes to your lifestyle during this time. You may be working from home, going to work in a nearly empty...
Continue Reading →[caption id="attachment_878" align="alignright" width="150"] Picture of a homemade dog food[/caption] How to Change your Pet’s Diet If you’ve been getting our newsletters for a while, you are probably aware that we recommend minimally processed balanced foods for your pet's diet ...
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