CSA Information, Senior Well Checks, important notices
We have several things we hope will interest you this month! CSA Information, Senior Well Checks and other important information!
CSA Informational meeting: A local group out of Lee’s Summit will be at Whole Health Pet Center on March 9 (Thursday) at 7 p.m. to discuss their summer produce/farm product weekly boxes. You can visit their website at http://bit.ly/wug2015 for more information and download PDF’s with pricing of different options. These boxes have options for canned products and eggs in addition to the produce, and vegetables come from Old Order Mennonite farms in Missouri, grown chemical-free. We hope you can make it to the informational meeting. Anyone signing up before March 15 gets last year’s pricing but 2 more weeks than last year’s program! The presentation is in our seminar room on the southeast corner of the building. If 10 or more people sign up for this program and want local delivery, we can use our clinic as a drop-off site. Community Supported Agriculture can be a great way to get in-season vegetables at a terrific price! Bring your questions next Thursday! If you are interested but can’t make the meeting, you can still sign up through the website, just follow instructions. Let them know if you are interested in our clinic as a pick-up site, you can still count towards the 10 needed to make that happen. Click here for a picture of the boxes: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/159510_53a148721d8f4cae9042bda1bbd6c70e.jpg/v1/fill/w_777,h_468,al_c,q_90/159510_53a148721d8f4cae9042bda1bbd6c70e.webp
Senior Well Check: We have developed a new package deal for senior pets. Since it’s so important to monitor the health of pets over age 7 for early stages of organ disease, and many also need adjustments to their diet or supplements to stay healthy and happy, we put together our Senior Well Check program. You can either make an appointment or arrange to drop off your pet for an hour or two. We request if you have a dog that you bring a relatively fresh urine sample with you in a clean sealed container. We’ll also want to know your pet’s current food regimen. They will have blood drawn for a complete set of blood chemistries, thyroid test, and blood count. We’ll perform an in-house basic urinalysis, complete physical and Chinese medical exams, chiropractic evaluation and necessary adjustments, and then a complete discussion of results with you, including our nutritional consult and recommendations. The usual price for this would be $263. We offer it at $238 to encourage you to have this valuable information evaluated for your senior pet. Any recommended supplements are not included in this price, but we will discuss anything we think may be beneficial in improving your older pet’s quality of life.
Massage Dates: March 10 and April 21 are our upcoming Canine Massage dates. Many of our clients are regularly scheduling their dogs for this service after seeing how much they benefit (and LOVE it!). Call the clinic at 816-331-1868 during regular business hours to see if we still have openings for these dates.
Doctor Leonard absences: Dr. Leonard will be out of the office enjoying agility competition with her dogs on Friday, March 3 and March 17. Also April 21 and 28. Please try to call ahead to schedule your pets. Now that we have Pam in the office, there will be some Fridays she will be able to offer tech appointments like nail trims, heartworm tests, blood draws, and cold laser follow-up treatments. We staff shorter hours on these days but can also do some drug prescription refills, supplement sales, and answer questions. We recommend you call ahead for prescription refills in case Dr. approval is needed and to make sure we haven’t closed yet. Also remember our online pharmacy, it can be an easier way to get medications and other pet supplies shipped directly to you! Here’s the link if you need it: http://wholehealthpetcenter.vetsfirstchoice.com/